
Monday, April 30, 2012

Electricity, Fire, and Mud, Oh My!

"Heyni, why the happy face?" you may be asking yourself right now.  Well, the joyful face before you is the product of finishing the Tough Mudder yesterday. The Tough Mudder is a 12 mile course full of obstacles, that include but not limited to, running through fire, climbing over twelve foot walls, running up a quarter pike, jumping into a FREEZING lake, and finally running through electrified wires.  Oh yeah, there was A LOT of mud; a lot of it. It was really hard...for me.  By mile 8 I had hit my wall, and by mile 10 I could no longer run and wanted to die.  The hardest part was all the water involved in the obstacles.  I have never been that could for that long in my whole life.  Those who know me realize how intolerant I am of the cold.  That being said, I'm glad I did it, and I've already signed up for another one.  Woo hoo!

tough mudder, leather jacket
Leather jacket: Bought in Rome; T-shirt: Tough Mudder finish line; Jeans: NY&Company; Boots: Too; Bracelet: gift

The first obstacle consisted of crawling underneath barbed wire and in the mud.  I didn't know it was barbed wire, because the wire was covered in icicles.  Yes, it was literally freezing outside.  When I crawled out, I came up too soon and scratched myself.  I didn't realize this until the end when my friend, Amanda, saw the scratch.  This same friend also took some quite amusing pictures of me during this ordeal.  Please enjoy:

Jason, me, Joel, Jay, and Steve is the guy waving in the back.
This was the second obstacle where we had to jump into a container full of ice water.

Me, Jay (behind me), Steve
 I can't believe Amanda was able to get a picture of me smiling.  This must have been early on.

This is Jay jumping into the freezing lake.  I totally wigged out on that platform.  It was only fifteen feet high, and I'm not afraid of heights, but for some reason I was so scared.  Maybe it was the knowledge that I would get wet again, or the fierce vertigo, but it took me ten minutes to finally get the nerve to jump off.

 Joel is trying to reason with me at this point to jump off.

Me being hauled up the quarter half pike after it had been covered in canola oil.

Crawling in water (This water was actually shallow, so that by that time it was actually warm.) between electrified wires.  Fortunately, my shoulders were so narrow that I got through without being shocked. The other guys were not so fortunate.

Trying to cross the balance beam...unsuccessfully.  I fell into more frigid water.  :)  Matt, my high school friend, was the only one who got across.

Running through the electrified wire.  I only got shocked twice, so it wasn't too bad.
At the finish looking utterly miserable.  I really had to go to the bathroom at this point.
Carrie, Steve, Joel, Jay, Matt, Jay (or Jason), and me
Finally, there's my whole team looking very excited.  This of course was taken before the pain began.


  1. YOU ARE AMAZING! I am so proud of you! You are now officially ready for The Hunger Games. :-)

  2. Woohoo!!! I'm beaming with pride! You must be so proud of yourself. Congrats! .-_-
